Growing up, Eric’s nickname was “Ehic the duck”. His Rs looked like Hs, and he loved rubber ducks, so the two came together; people even called him Ehic during high school! Rubber ducks were a quirky, adorable placesetter and a way to replace the traditional toast to the bride and groom--it really helped make Lydia and Eric’s wedding their own. Pop culture and cute creatures aren’t the only thing these two have in common, either. Lydia met her maid of honor through marching band; Eric, too, went through marching band in high school. Their love of music, of pop culture, and of the sweet treats sitting alongside the rubber ducks at each table have helped cement Lydia’s and Eric’s true love.
Of course, there’s more to a wedding than the placesetting; it’s a ceremony, after all! Outside the church, after the rain stopped, Lydia held onto her father Daniel’s arm, her dress glowing white while she beamed, the picture of an excited bride. Doors pulled open, leading to the alter, to the guests all in place, Lydia entering step by step by step to the man that she knew she would be with forever. Eric took her hand--no, not even that. They joined hands, together, and shared one of the warmest smiles we’ve seen: though they declared their love for God and each other, for all that God has blessed them with, they really didn’t need to. There’s something about these two that radiates romance, that glimmers with affection, appreciation, with tenderness. Lydia’s lips met Eric’s, and finally, their lives together were sealed eternal.
We’re not the only ones who think they’re amazing together. Amidst the squeaking ducks and the sounds of the reception, Eric’s best man, his younger brother Alex, testified to their love, alongside Lydia’s best friend Lynn... and poked a little fun at them, too. It’s not love without a little humor, right?
The dance floor nearly stole the stage, we’re afraid to say. Lydia and Eric’s love of music is shared with their friends, and they needed no invitation--some of them even kicked off their shoes to groove and sing along with the DJ! One of the groomsmen even taught everyone a traditional Irish dance. You never know--maybe we’ll have to do that at our next parties!
Even with all the dancing, the night was still about Eric and Lydia: when it was time for them to make their grand exit, they stood, and turned, and joined hands. Instead of the old standby of rice, guests blew bubbles for their first married farewell, the iridescent rainbow spheres floating around them as they put one foot in front of the other and over again, embarking on the fantastic journey of marriage.
Congratulations, Eric and Lydia! Thank you so much for letting us be a part of your special day. We won’t wish you luck--we know you won’t need it. We’re proud of you guys!

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